Google Pixels now gets a feature that makes instant calls even faster. In this training, kwgeek goes through this feature and shows you how to use it.
When you are in distress and need to call an ambulance as soon as possible, every second can be counted. That is why this article will help you to get acquainted with your Pixel smartphone and understand how to use the new instant call.
Now, Google Pixel smartphones are getting a new feature on instant calls that you can start at any time. It is already possible to make an emergency call at any time, regardless of phone or internet connection. A screen with dial keys appears, allowing you to quickly dial 112 or another emergency number.
You can make an emergency call even faster
What changes is that in the best case scenario, you do not even have to dial the number anymore. If the function is already on your smartphone, you should really see a slider that automatically points to the emergency number according to your country. You will not have any design to do because the work depends on your site. If you are traveling abroad, local emergency numbers will be displayed automatically.
The fact that you no longer enter the code yourself saves valuable seconds. Time saving will be much larger than outdoors, where you do not need to know the emergency numbers. This feature has been appearing on Pixel smartphones for some time, but has not yet reached all devices. So don’t be surprised if you haven’t seen the slider yet. In this case, you can of course continue to use traditional keyboard shortcuts.
How to use the Pixel smart call feature?
There are various options for making an emergency call or opening an emergency list. These depend on the type of Android you have installed and the style you are using. That is why we want to explain it in different ways: Through the lock screen, by long pressing the power button or simultaneously the power button and volume up.
If the slider does not already exist, you can also type 112 in the default mode / © kwgeek
Call an emergency using the lock screen:
- come up
- Turn on Gurmad
- Using slider inside the Emergency menu (see center image).
Make a quick call by pressing the power button (Android 11 and earlier, Android 12 for Pixel 5 and above):
- Hold on power button pressed for five seconds
- Turn on Gurmad
- Using slider inside the Emergency menu
Make a quick call by pressing the power button and volume buttons (standard Android 12 for Pixel 6 and Pro):
- At the same time click power button and on volume key
- Turn on Gurmad
- Using slider inside the Emergency menu
As mentioned above, the slider is automatically customized for a country-specific emergency number (there may be more than one). But this does not work in all countries! If you are going on holiday to a foreign country, it is a good idea to make an emergency number before the trip. Then you will not waste precious time in an emergency.
I hope you never find yourself in a situation where you have to use this job. Let us know in the comments what you think of this improved feature and more of the quick steps you would like to see on your smartphone.